We prepared a very concise brief of top line campaign idea and execution strategy for KFC.

This include:

A Campaign Theme

The Big Idea

Execution Strategy


KFCember: A Kentucky Feast of Cheer and Chicken!


Christmas (The December Festive Period) in  Nigeria has a tradition of Family, Fun and Chicken. Most people prioritize family by visiting homes, having family dinner, even if it is just that once a year.

The colourful lights, the beautiful songs, the outfits, the matching dresses and then watch & glass combo for the kids coupled with the gifting only screams cheers and fun Though not statistically proven, Christmas can be argued to be the happiest holiday.

But what is Christmas without chicken? And what is a more fun Christmas without a fingerlicking KFC chicken?

The essence of this campaign is to prioritize the importance of the holiday...

This word play combines “KFC” with “December” to create a festive and catchy campaign theme that highlights both the holiday spirit and the delicious KFC chicken.


  1. KFC CHICKENMASS TREE: Build a Chicken Inspired tree which will act as both PR and UGC
  2. **Commercials on TVs and Radios:**It is Christmas time, everybody is tuning to hear their favorite Christmas songs, watch their favorite Christmas movies and it is the holidays approaching. Heavy commercials that serves the theme should be running on TVs and Radios
  3. Customised Chicken Bucket: Keep family and relationships close with Customised KFC chicken bucket which will be freely delivered (to encourage reunion gatherings). This delivery will also come with special Christmas box and the menu shall be a special limited holiday menu lasting for the 12 days of Christmas.
  4. **KFC In-house Stores :**While we want to encourage family dinners and other family gathering, we would also want to appreciate and plan for those who would want to have to go out for fun. This way, KFC stores are to be branded in the season’s colour and delight
  5. Bill Board Awareness Ad: In the celebration of Christmas, special Bill board greetings and bonanzas will be placed at very strategic locations.